"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style" ~Maya Angelou
I love the chance to begin again. Start fresh and look at things with a new perspective. I wonder why I don't do it more often. Once a year just doesn't seem like enough. But, I will cease the opportunity now, with the new year beginning to clear the slate, forgive all my past inadequacies and start fresh with open eyes and an open heart and begin my journey to live a life where I "thrive"!
Thrive: 1.to grow strongly and vigorously. 2. to do well; prosper
Synonyms: Advance,arrive,bloom,blossom,boom,burgeon,develop,flourish,grow,progress,prosper
With all the love in my heart, I hope that you truly thrive this year!
Love it!! Happy thriving to you, sweet Serena!!
well hello there, thriving you! Missed you in this space. :) May 2012 be everything you imagine it to be, and more!
i know you will .... you already do and will just continue on!!
love to love you and cannot wait to thrive together in this year!
I squealed with excitement when I saw that you had a new post up.
I love your word for 2012. Thrive dear girl, Thrive!!
Just great! I am glad you post.
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