
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wholehearted Living and being worthy

i recently came across this amazing woman's work and was immediatly drawn into her words. as i started reading, it was like i was home. not home in the physical sense, but home within my emotional self, right where i should be, where i was meant to be, where i am naturally, wholeheartedly meant to be. i am extrememly blessed in my life, for where i live, for my family, my amazing husband, for my friends, but there has continued to be a part of me that just hasn't found IT'S way yet. i have drifted over the years, taken many paths, taken on many roles and i have to say that I've only read some of her blog, but her words and message are just what i need right now in my life. I'm starting to feel the shift, a movement towards becoming the more authentic me and am slowly discovering what it is that makes me tick. A shift towards living wholeheartedly, bravely, courageously, confidently and most importantly feeling worthy of feeling fabulous, amazing and talented, not for anyone else, but for myself. I am enough. For me.
Of course, i will falter, i will have days when i feel terribly insecure and lost. but i think i'm learning that this is part of the process, that feeling lost doesn't mean that i am, it just means i need to keep searching. and that's ok. the searching part is pretty amazing anyways.

so there it is: I am declaring myself worthy and will continue my pursuit of wholeheared living. If you haven't heard of Brene, go check her out here.

This is is how she describes wholehearted living:

Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone; I am enough.

pretty cool, right?


patty said...

Beautifully said, Serena! I have been reading some of this also and am starting to "get it" as well. It's awesome that you are so open and accepting of this message at your age. I wish I had been more aware, but it's never too late and it's one of those things that (for me anyway) I need constant reminding, over and over, so thank you for doing that, sweet Serena!! Love to you!!!

chrissy said...

way more than that even.
so happy to see that sparkle of belief coming out of you as well.
i love brene.
i love what she helps me to discover.
i love that you have discovered her too.
quite simply.
i love YOU too.

K8 said...

oh I love this part cause it gives me hope: "feeling lost doesn't mean that i am, it just means i need to keep searching. and that's ok."